China Marriage & Family Reading Group
In January 2022, Acton Jiashi Feng, Man Zhang, and I formed a reading group on marriage and family in China. Each session is a committee-led discussion about three peer-viewed journal articles or chapters of a book. Each season, we invite a scholar to discuss their work together. Sessions are hosted in Mandarin Chinese and meet on Friday nights (US Eastern Time) once every three weeks.
We always welcome grad students and young scholars across the globe to join us. If you are interested, please email to join our email list.
Past Topics & Covered Literature
11.17. 2023 Singlehood/Living Alone
Choi, K. H., & Qian, Y. (2023). The rise of the childless single in South Korea. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 15(3), 526–541.
Esteve, A., Reher, D.S., Treviño, R., Zueras, P. and Turu, A. (2020), Living Alone over the Life Course: Cross-National Variations on an Emerging Issue. Population and Development Review, 46: 169-189.
10.13. 2023 W/ Guest Speaker Dr. Haoming Song (宋浩铭)
Rauscher, Emily, and Haoming Song. 2022. “Learning to Value Girls: Balanced Infant Sex Ratios at Higher Parental Education in the United States, 1969–2018.” Demography 59(3):1143–71. doi: 10.1215/00703370-9968420.
Song, Haoming. 2021. “The Unequal Consequences of Family Structures for Infant Health.” Social Science Research 100:102604. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102604.
Song, Haoming. Unequal Housework Time at the Intersection of Gender and Class, 2019-2021. working paper.
07. 21. 2023 W/ Guest Speaker Dr. Senhu Wang (王森浒)
Gong, S., & Wang, S. (2022). Family Policy Awareness and Marital Intentions: a National Survey Experimental Study. Demography, 59(1), 247-266.
Demand-side consequences of unemployment and horizontal skill mismatches across national contexts: An employer-based factorial survey experiment.
Wang, S. Opportunity or Exploitation? A Longitudinal Dyadic Analysis of Flexible Working Arrangements and Gender Household Labor Inequality. working paper.
06. 30. 2023 ASA 2023 Family Section Paper Awards
Cross, Christina J., Paula Fomby, and Bethany Letiecq. 2022. “Interlinking Structural Racism and Heteropatriarchy: Rethinking Family Structure’s Effects on Child Outcomes in a Racialized, Unequal Society.” Journal of Family Theory & Review 14(3):482–501. doi: 10.1111/jftr.12458.
Thébaud, Sarah, and David S. Pedulla. 2022. “When Do Work-Family Policies Work? Unpacking the Effects of Stigma and Financial Costs for Men and Women.” Work and Occupations 49(2):229–63. doi: 10.1177/07308884211069914.
06. 02. 2023 State-Family Relationships
Fong, K. (2020). Getting eyes in the home: Child protective services investigations and state surveillance of family life. American Sociological Review, 85(4), 610-638. DOI: 10.1177/0003122420938460
Yan, Y. (2018). Neo-familism and the state in contemporary China. Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development, 181-224.
Strijbosch, K. (2015). Single and the city: State influences on intimate relationships of young, single, well‐educated women in Singapore. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(5), 1108-1125.
04. 28. 2023 Mosaic Familism 马赛克家庭主义 (w/ Guest Speaker Dr. Yingchun Ji 计迎春教授)
Ji, Yingchun, (2017). A mosaic temporality: New dynamics of the gender and marriage system in contemporary urban China. Temporalités. Revue de sciences sociales et humaines, (26). doi:10.4000/temporalites.3773
计迎春.(2019).社会转型情境下的中国本土家庭理论构建初探.《妇女研究论丛》,第5期, 9-20.
计迎春. (2020). 马赛克家庭主义:从女儿养老看中国家庭制度变迁.《二十一世纪》, 8月号, 77-97.
03. 31. 2023 Parental Leave
Oh, Eunsil, and Eunmi Mun. 2022. “Compensatory Work Devotion: How a Culture of Overwork Shapes Women’s Parental Leave in South Korea.” Gender & Society 36(4):552–77.
Yeung, Wei-Jun Jean, and Nanxun Li. 2023. “Paternity Leave, Family Dynamics, and Children’s Behavior in Singapore.” Journal of Marriage and Family 85(2):580–602.
贾男, and 杨天池. 2019. “带薪产假与女性工资率——基于各省晚育产假奖励政策的实证研究.” 当代财经 0(12):3–16.
02. 24. 2023 Marriage Market
Lichter, D. T., Price, J. P., & Swigert, J. M. (2020). Mismatches in the Marriage Market. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(2), 796–809.
Raymo, J. M., & Iwasawa, M. (2005). Marriage Market Mismatches in Japan: An Alternative View of the Relationship between Women’s Education and Marriage. American Sociological Review, 70(5), 801–822.
Guilmoto, C. Z. (2011). Skewed Sex Ratios at Birth and Future Marriage Squeeze in China and India, 2005–2100. Demography, 49(1), 77–100.
02. 03. 2023 Matchmaking
Pettier, Jean-Baptiste. 2020. “Marrying the Perfect Child — Middle Class Norms and Intergenerational Arrangements in the Marriage Corners of Urban China.” Ethnography 1466138120960512. doi: 10.1177/1466138120960512.
Gui, Tianhan. 2017. “‘Devalued’ Daughters Versus ‘Appreciated’ Sons: Gender Inequality in China’s Parent-Organized Matchmaking Markets.” Journal of Family Issues 38(13):1923–48. doi: 10.1177/0192513X16680012.
张骁健. 未完成的个体化:老年公园相亲实践中的主体性及其制约——基于北京市C公园相亲角的研究[J]. 妇女研究论丛, 2021, 0(5): 25-36.
01. 06. 2023 Digital Queer Culture (w/ Guest Speaker Dr. Zhiqiu Benson Zhou)
Zhou, Z. B. (2022). Besides Tongzhi: tactics for constructing and communicating sexual identities in China. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 32(2), 282-300.
Zhou, Z. B. Forthcoming. More bottoms than tops? Mediated sexual roles and masculinity assemblage in Chinese gay communities. Sexualities.
Zhou, Z. B. (2022). Compulsory interracial intimacy: Why does removing the ethnicity filter on dating apps not benefit racial minorities? Media, Culture & Society, 44(5), 1034-1043.
12. 09. 2022 Abortion
Suh, S. (2020). What post-abortion care indicators don't measure: Global abortion politics and obstetric practice in Senegal. Social Science & Medicine, 254, 112248.
Wang, C. (2014). Induced abortion patterns and determinants among married women in China: 1979 to 2010. Reproductive Health Matters, 22(43), 159-168.
Junhong, C. (2001). Prenatal sex determination and sex‐selective abortion in rural central China. Population and Development Review, 27(2), 259-281.
11. 04. 2022 Remarriage
Song, H. (2022). Women’s Divergent Union Transitions After Marital Dissolution in the United States. Population Research and Policy Review, 41(3), 953–980.
Quah, S. E. L. (2020). The Working of Heteronormativity: Transnational Remarriage as Pragmatic Strategy. Journal of Family Issues, 41(7), 937–956.
彭大松. (2015). 个人资源、家庭因素与再婚行为——基于CFPS2010数据的分析. 社会学研究, 30(04), 118-152+244.
10. 14. 2022 Family and Health
Chen, Dan, and Yuying Tong. 2021. “Marriage for the Sake of Parents? Adult Children’s Marriage Formation and Parental Psychological Distress in China.” Journal of Marriage and Family 83(4):1194–1211. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12749.
Mollborn, Stefanie, Bethany Rigles, and Jennifer A. Pace. 2021. “‘Healthier Than Just Healthy’: Families Transmitting Health as Cultural Capital.” Social Problems 68(3):574–90. doi: 10.1093/socpro/spaa015.
Torche, Florencia, and Tamkinat Rauf. 2021. “The Transition to Fatherhood and the Health of Men.” Journal of Marriage and Family 83(2):446–65. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12732.
09. 09. 2022 Cultural Approach to Family Research
Frye, M., & Trinitapoli, J. (2015). Ideals as anchors for relationship experiences. American Sociological Review, 80(3): 496-525.
Streib, J. (2015). Explanations of how love crosses class lines: Cultural complements and the case of cross-class marriages. Sociological Forum 30(1): 18–39.
Tavory, I., & Swidler, A. (2009). Condom semiotics: meaning and condom use in rural Malawi. American Sociological Review, 74(2): 171-189.
08. 18. 2022 ASA 2022 Family Section Student Paper Awards
Lee, Y. (2022). Is Leave for Fathers Pronatalist? A Mixed-Methods Study of the Impact of Fathers’ Uptake of Parental Leave on Couples’ Childbearing Intentions in South Korea. Population Research and Policy Review, 41(4), 1471–1500.
Delgado, V. (n.d.). Leveraging protections, navigating punishments: How adult children of undocumented immigrants mediate illegality in Latinx families. Journal of Marriage and Family, n/a(n/a).
Luhr, S. (2020). Signaling Parenthood: Managing the Motherhood Penalty and Fatherhood Premium in the U.S. Service Sector. Gender & Society, 34(2), 259–283.
07. 21. 2022 Gender, Work, and Family (w/ Guest Speaker Dr. Eunsil Oh)
Working paper: Han, Sang Won and Eunsil Oh. "The Emergence of Superwoman Schema: A Relational Class Analysis Approach to Gender Norms in East Asia."
Brinton, Mary C., and Eunsil Oh. 2019. “Babies, Work, or Both? Highly Educated Women’s Employment and Fertility in East Asia.” American Journal of Sociology 125(1):105–40. doi: 10.1086/704369.
Oh, Eunsil. 2018. “Who Deserves to Work? How Women Develop Expectations of Child Care Support in Korea.” Gender & Society 32(4):493–515. doi: 10.1177/0891243218772495.
07. 01. 2022 Marriage Dissolution/Divorce
Schwartz, C. R., & Mare, R. D. (2012). The proximate determinants of educational homogamy: The effects of first marriage, marital dissolution, remarriage, and educational upgrading. Demography, 49(2), 629-650.
Michelson, E. (2019). Decoupling: Marital violence and the struggle to divorce in China. American Journal of Sociology, 125(2), 325-381.
郭云蔚. (2021). 受教育水平对离婚风险的影响及其时代变化. 人口研究, 45(6), 96-109.
06. 10. 2022 Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
Wahlberg, A. (2018). Good Quality: The Routinization of Sperm Banking in China. University of California Press.
Mukherjee, M. (2022). How Do You Want Your Eggs? The Medical Management of Kin-Making and Reproductive Inequalities in the United States and India. Social Problems, spac029.
05. 13. 2022 Queer Family
Wei, Wei, and Yunxiang Yan. 2021. “Rainbow Parents and the Familial Model of Tongzhi (LGBT) Activism in Contemporary China.” Chinese Sociological Review 53(5):451–72. doi: 10.1080/21620555.2021.1981129.
Mizielinska, Joanna. 2022. “The Limits of Choice: Queer Parents and Stateless Children in Their Search for Recognition in Poland.” Gender, Place & Culture 29(2):153–76. doi: 10.1080/0966369X.2020.1845616.
丁依然;董晨宇. n.d. “制造夫妻:中国形婚群体的剧班协作、达标表演与身份失调.” 妇女研究论丛 0(6):87.
04. 22. 2022 One-Child Policy (w/ Guest Speaker Dr. Yong Cai)
Cai, Y., & Feng, W. (2021). The Social and Sociological Consequences of China's One-Child Policy. Annual Review of Sociology, 47, 587-606.
Goodkind, D. (2017). The astonishing population averted by China’s birth restrictions: Estimates, nightmares, and reprogrammed ambitions. Demography, 54(4), 1375-1400.
Wang, F., Cai, Y., Shen, K., & Gietel-Basten, S. (2018). Is demography just a numerical exercise? Numbers, politics, and legacies of China’s one-child policy. Demography, 55(2), 693-719.
04. 01. 2022 Parenting
Ishizuka, P. (2019). Social Class, Gender, and Contemporary Parenting Standards in the United States: Evidence from a National Survey Experiment. Social Forces, 98(1), 31–58.
Hamilton, L., Roksa, J., & Nielsen, K. (2018). Providing a “Leg Up”: Parental Involvement and Opportunity Hoarding in College. Sociology of Education, 91(2), 111–131.
魏钦恭 & 张佳楠.(2021).来自兄弟的“让渡”和母亲的“馈赠”:校外教育投入中的女孩占优现象与家庭偏好逻辑. 社会(05),208-242. doi:10.15992/j.cnki.31-1123/c.2021.05.008.
03. 11. 2022 Cohabitation
Yang, Lijun. 2021. “The Role of Premarital Cohabitation in the Timing of First Birth in China.” Demographic Research 45:259–90.
Zhang, Yongjun. 2017. “Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Dissolution in Postreform China.” Journal of Marriage and Family 79(5):1435–49. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12419 .
张亮. 2020. 从约会到同居:“他的”和“她的”同居决策比较——基于“90后”流动青年同居者的质性研究. 妇女研究论丛, 0(2): 34-44. ( ).
02. 18. 2022 Gendered Division of Labor
Daminger, Allison. 2020. “De-Gendered Processes, Gendered Outcomes: How Egalitarian Couples Make Sense of Non-Egalitarian Household Practices.” American Sociological Review 85(5):806–29. doi: 10.1177/0003122420950208.
Qian, Yue, and Liana C. Sayer. 2016. “Division of Labor, Gender Ideology, and Marital Satisfaction in East Asia.” Journal of Marriage and Family 78(2):383–400. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12274.
刘爱玉, 佟新, 付伟. 2015. 双薪家庭的家务性别分工:经济依赖、性别观念或情感表达[J]. 社会, 35(2): 109-136. (
01. 28. 2022 Union Formation
Cheng, Cheng, and Yang Zhou. 2021. “Wealth Accumulation by Hypogamy in Own and Parental Education in China.” Journal of Marriage and Family. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12805.
Armstrong, Elizabeth A., and Laura T. Hamilton. 2021. “Classed Pathways to Marriage: Hometown Ties, College Networks, and Life after Graduation.” Journal of Marriage and Family 83(4):1004–19. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12747.
许琪、潘修明. 2021. “美貌与地位:中国人婚姻中的 匹配与交换.” 社会 41(6):203–35.